Thursday, 28 March 2019

Year 5 Camp!

This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the Year 5's went on an amazing camp at Motu Moana. They had fantastic experiences such as rock climbing, challenge valley, flying fox, water slide and creating their own obstacle courses at top town. We had excellent weather which meant we all were able to enjoy every activity. At night we celebrated with a campfire, the students especially loved the smores. Unfortunately we were so busy serving smores we didn't manage to take any photos!
We would like to thank all the parent helpers who came and supported us through camp, without your help we would not be able to offer these opportunities to our students!

Here are a few of many photos!

Friday, 8 March 2019

Masterchef Week 1

On Friday Rm 13 started their Masterchef competition with Rm 21. It was a great start to the competition with high standards!
We had the fabulous Divya and Nell cooking a beautiful chocolate cake from scratch.

We had the fantastic Levi making chicken bites from scratch and a yummy strawberry milkshake. 

 Vicky and Neel made scrumptious berries and white chocolate!

Kohtaro, Ayan and Noah made chicken noodles, ice blocks and a fabulous chicken soup! 

We had our awesome waiters and customers who loved eating the food. 
We can not wait for next week! 

Fun with our buddies

This week we visited our buddies in their class and asked them to show us what they do. We had great fun dressing up for them and playing in role. Our little buddies loved seeing us dress up and play with them. Especially when they saw us all acting they began to take on the role of characters as well.
We have been working really hard together to practice our assembly and we can not wait to show everyone.

Buddy Swimming!

We had a great time this week getting to know our buddies. We were lucky to be able to go for a fun swim. It was awesome to get to help our little buddies swim and play in the water, as most of them could just about stand up!

We showed great responsibility ensuring our little buddies were safe and followed the instructions. We can not wait for all the exciting activities we will do with them this year.

A reminder that our assembly is week 7!