Tuesday 3 April 2018

W8- Dancing away!

One of the students options to show who they are is through dance. This week the students practiced different elements of dance such as locomotive and non-locomotive movements. The students were excellent at supporting each other in performing back and have really begun to think about how they can move their bodies to represent different emotions.


  1. I love how you are doing dance and not just digital and plus the kids need dance as a life skill

  2. Hi I'm Bhoomi, and I really enjoy your dance moves I know that you dances will be awesome. Good luck for your dances.

  3. Hi I am Eliza’s mum
    And I would like to Say that. Those are some really nice dance moves
    Like twrling ,jumping and gymnastics.

  4. Hi every one i’m Haaris and I loved your guys dance move hope you guys have a great expirince by.

  5. I hope they had fun..

  6. wow awesome guys hope you had a really good time

  7. Hi I am Kimberly's sister I think that it is great to hear that everyone is supporting one another. Hopes yous are all having fun.

  8. I think that it is awesome to use collaborative work and caring each other.

  9. I wish I did dance.
    It looks fun.

    1. It was very fun Tilly! I agree that you should have been in it!

  10. I love how everyone did different moves and tried there best
    ( i was in that group it was fun! )

  11. Sophia's dad here. Looks like you had lots of fun with all that dancing. Great work!

  12. i like your slide .It is very interesting,the people in the dance were participating well and sharing ideas as well as showing what relates to them and using others too!

  13. I liked that because you could could express what you like about yourself or show what you want to have be your job when your older. (Careers)I was in that group!
