Sunday 29 July 2018

Week 1- Stardome and Origami

Our first week back to school was an exciting one! We went on a fantastic trip to the Stardome to finish of our planet inquiry. The students had a great time asking John all types of questions about space. We found out that our research about Jupiter is now wrong as they found another 12 moons and that a new lake had been discovered on Mars. It was a great day and we all learnt heaps of new facts.

Also this week we have been practicing our folding and cutting skills by creating origami. We hope to share our new skills with our buddy classes and teach them how to make their own origami.


  1. hi everyone i really like how you made these crafty creative origami with paper. It would be nice to do a video on how to make them

  2. hi it is me again and i just wanted to ask a question. did you guys use coloured paper or did you guys colour the plain paper in?

  3. Hi Ana,

    We used coloured paper! A video sounds like a great idea:)
